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Central Valley Native

Born and raised in California, Maher grew up in the same valley he is running to represent in Congress. Maher’s father was the pastor of a local church and as his mother worked in his high school’s library. His family has a multi-generational history of military service on both sides of his parents, including his mother and father’s service in the U.S. Air Force. Michael Maher graduated from Tulare Union High School, a few months before the terrorist attacks of September 11th. 


Military Service and Education

On November 16 , 2001, Maher enlisted in the U.S.Navy. Graduating the Navy’s Nuclear program, widely acknowledged as the most demanding academic program in the U.S. military, Maher volunteered for the “Silent Service” and deployed as part of the expeditionary forces assigned to the Los Angeles class fast attack submarine, USS SALT LAKE CITY (SSN-716), from San Diego.

Michael Maher is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy Preparatory School, alumni of Fresno Pacific University, Oxford University where he rowed as a member of the Queen’s College first VIII crew team, Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government Senior Executive Fellows program, and the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.


FBI Service

Following Maher’s medical retirement from the U.S. Navy, rehabilitation, and work in the private sector in industrial engineering and construction management, Maher joined the U.S. Department of Justice as Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, assigned to the National Security Division. As a case agent, Maher was responsible for numerous investigations and involved in many covert human and technical operations, including serving as the Counterproliferation Coordinator for the Los Angeles Field Office. Maher assisted the FBI’s Fresno office participating in multi-agency gang sweep resulting in 36 arrests associated with a gang responsible for murders, robberies, kidnappings, and human trafficking.


Maher received multiple awards for his investigative work, which had been included in both the 44th and 45th U.S. President’s daily briefings (PDB). He is a recipient of the ODNI award presented in Virginia by the Director of National Intelligence. 

Small Businessman


Maher worked for over five years in the construction industry. He was responsible and oversaw numerous multi-million dollar industrial electrical federal, California state, and private corporate projects throughout California. His project portfolio includes the construction and service of water and wastewater treatment plants, municipal wells, dairy effluent and digesters, industrial process plants, packing facilities, PG&E compressor stations, municipal dumps, and military installations. 


Maher is an experienced aviation executive, starting his own aviation firm after serving as an executive in one of the world’s largest business aviation management companies and previously as the CEO of a luxury global aviation company headquartered in Asia. Maher is passionate about aviation and responsible management in environmental sustainability. He is currently involved in advancing flight technology, hydrogen production, sustainable fuels, and energy production directly benefiting California’s dairies, valley Ag industry, and local farming communities. 

Community Service

Maher previously served on a Fresno-based non-profit board focused on providing services for victims of human trafficking. He is a life member of the Naval War College Foundation, active member of The Pacific Council on International Policy, Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Overseas Security Advisory Council, and associate life member of the US Naval Academy Alumni Association and Foundation.

Personal life


Michael Maher is married with two sons. His wife Anne comes from a multi-generational farming family in the heart of California’s Central Valley, where they are still active in citrus, tree fruit, and farm management. Anne attended San Joaquin Memorial and graduated from Immanuel High School. She majored in business, graduated from Fresno Pacific University, and works in her family’s business. Anne has competed in multiple Iron Man 70.3 triathlons including finishing 1st place female at Iron Man Indian Wells 70.3 where she later received her pro-card from USA Triathlon. 

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